Huckleberry Finn
The Sequel
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Huckleberry Finn -- The Sequel

Huck & Tom are stranded in the Wild West

with Jim taken prisoner by hostile Indians!

Will they survive?

Mark Twain wrote the sequel to Huckleberry Finn in 1884 but stopped it right as Huck and Tom were closing in on Jim’s captors (about 20% into the story).  He abruptly stopped writing it that August, and decided to keep the story a secret.  Although he never mentioned it in his Autobiography or to his official biographer, Albert Bigelow Paine, he privately printed a single copy of the story and carefully preserved it along with the manuscript for future discovery after his death. Now his working notes for this story have been discovered and they are shedding great light on the fates Mark Twain had in store for his most famous characters. 

Unaware of the existence of Mark Twain’s story plans, biographer Paine wrongfully assumed that “writer’s block” forced him to abandon Huck's sequel.  Scholars still preach that theory today.  Twain’s notes, however, prove that writer’s block wasn’t the reason why the story stopped.  The gist of the whole story was “in his mind’s eye” and he placed those ideas on paper in the form of working notes prior to his writing the actual manuscript.  These working notes map the story out from the very first scenes through to a rousing climax.


Now Robert Slotta, the Mark Twain historian who discovered these notes, sets the record straight in his forthcoming book, How Huck Fooled Hemingway - Secrets to Mark Twain Mysteries that Critics Couldn’t or Wouldn’t Tell You: The Essential Companion to Mark Twain’s Autobiography.  

To get A FREE PREVIEW OF THE MYSTERIES & SECRETS REVEALED IN How Huck Fooled Hemingway, (there's much more than just the sequel to Huck!) just email the word "Preview" in the subject line to:

FOR FREE ACCESS TO MARK TWAIN'S entire 9 chapters of Huck's sequel (as published online by the University of California) click the link below:;style=work;brand=mtp

While the text of the story Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer Among The Indians is reliable in the above link, the scholarly opinions expressed about the story and Mark Twain's reasons for not completing it contain factual inaccuracies (all of which are addressed in How Huck Fooled Hemingway).  


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